Tallarn Reborn Carmine Ambush Tercio
Formation of Legend: Each Formation of Legend consists of two elements: Standard Detachments and Expanded Detachments. When a Formation of Legend is added to your Army Roster, you can either add only the Standard Detachments for the points cost listed, or the Standard Detachments and the Expanded Detachments, paying the total points cost for the Standard Detachments, plus the additional points cost for the Expanded Detachments. A player may choose not to include every Detachment listed under the Expanded Detachments section, but the points cost is not reduced if they do so. You can only include each Formation of Legend once in your army.
Defenders of Tallarn: This formation can only be included in an Army with the Loyalist Allegiance
Ambush Tercio: Detachments from this Formation have the Forward Deployment and Scout special rules
compulsory Detachments
Tank Commander
Battle Tank
Leman Russ Strike Squadron
Battle Tank
Leman Russ Annihilator Squadron
Battle Tank
Leman Russ Executioner Squadron
optional Detachments
Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol
Auxilia Aethon Heavy Sentinel Patrol